How can I look up data and merge it into my page/post?

You can look up data in a CSV file by specifying a value for the lookup_url attribute of the wpgetpersonal shortcode. The first column of the CSV file must be the value you want to look up. You can then display the values in the other columns by using tags inside the shortocde content. Examples of tags:
{1} will display the first column in the CSV data. This is the lookup column so it will be the same value as the value attached to the end of the url. This will typically be a unique ID.
{2} will display the value in the second column of the CSV data
{3} will display the value in the third column of the CSV data
{4} … etc

Complete example usage:
The following CSV file is stored at
x43252,Henty,Mr,SH Web Consulting, London
x67434,Smith,Mrs,XYZ Lawyers, New York
x67434,Bardot,Ms,Brigitte Modelling Agency, Paris

The sales page on contains the following shortcode and content:
[wpgetpersonal lookup_url=”http://mydoamin/mycsvfile.csv”]
Dear {2} {3},

Find out how {4} can save 40% on taxi costs!

You live in {5} so you know how difficult it is getting from A to B …


When the URL is accessed the visitor will see the following content:
Dear Mr Henty,

Find out how SH Web Consulting can save 40% on taxi costs!

You live in London so you know how difficult it is getting from A to B …

1. as of WordPress 3.5 this must be alphanumerical (ie. it can’t be all numeric digits)
2. By default, the separator is assumed to be a comma but this can be configured by specifying a value for the lookup_separator attribute.
e.g. [wpgetpersonal lookup_url=”http://mydoamin/mycsvfile.csv” lookup_separator=”;”]…[/wpgetpersonal]
This will assume that the values inside the CSV file are separated by a semi-colon instead of a comma.

Posted in: Installation